Academic Notebook

by Jerry Sky

This notebook contains notes, programs and snippets of code related to studies of Computer Science (B.Eng.) at Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

View this repository on the web or on GitHub.

This repository is licenced under the un-licence licence.


Concerning the language of this repository:

Commit history

You may notice some timeline discrepancies in the commit history. This is due to the difference between the commit time and the publishing time.

Before publication of every commit, containing a piece of work to hand-in, the commit is sent to the private canary branch.
Only after its due-date the work is published in the master branch, which is done by rebasing the canary branch onto the master branch.

Because of the different due-dates of different assignments, the commit dates may not be chronological.

Table of contents

6th Semester

Core courses

Elective courses

5th Semester

Core courses

Elective courses

4th Semester

Core courses

Elective courses


3rd Semester

Core courses

Elective courses

2nd Semester

Core courses

Elective courses

1st Semester